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Show your support for homeless youth!
Grab a piece of cardboard and make a sign like the one below. Be creative ~ make it your own ~ and post to social media!
Don't forget to tag us @americanstreetkid and use the hashtags #ICare #homelessyouth #documentary #americanstreetkid #ask

Show your support for homeless youth!
Grab a piece of cardboard and make a sign like the one below. Be creative ~ make it your own ~ and post to social media!
Don't forget to tag us @americanstreetkid and use the hashtags #ICare #homelessyouth #documentary #americanstreetkid #ask

1- Tell your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives to insist that the Emergency Family Stabilization Act be included in the next coronavirus relief package. Use this action form to enter your zip code, and send a letter.

2-Endorse the legislation (local, state, or national organizations) by completing this sign-on form.

1 in 10 young adults and 1 in 30 teenagers will experience homelessness in the U.S. this year. However, many can overcome barriers to housing, health, and economic instability if Congress enacts the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act (RHYTPA) H.R. 5191/S. 2916.
RHYTPA will help more youth, young adults, and young families across communities access life-changing services, enter into housing, and connect to caring adults by increasing the number of beds in programs, increasing lengths of stay and extending age eligibility requirements.